I grow in different stages,different heights
From the Earth in which I was born,I will return
I am Honored.. I am Sacred
Just as my brothers Cedar and Tobbacco
Just as my Sister - Sweetgrass.
All around me is sacred.
The Creator gave me life on this Earth
The Sun Warms me and the rain quenches my thirst
I am used in Prayer and In Ceramony.
The Smoke which elites from me
Carries the Prayers and words of the red man
To the Creator's Ears.
I come in many forms and kinds
I Come from the Earth..
And I will Return to which I came.
I am Sage .
©October 1999 Brenda Cloud Dancer Woman
Pow Wow (New Meaning To Life )
I remember my first Pow Wow, it wasn't to long ago
The strangeness of the event and so many fellow Indians.
I felt out of place and ignorant to the ways.
When the Drums began to beat and the procession came in
and the dancing began , I felt so stupidfied.
It was so new !!
As the first singing finished, I was greeted by one of the
Traditional Dancers and asked to come and
honor one of the Gourd Dancers.
I gave in and when the Drums began again, other dancers began
to come and drop money in front of me and I felt that they
were missing the other dancer and at the end, they picked up the
money and gave it to me.
It seems that they were honoring me.
My heart sank and I felt embarrassed.
I went back to my chair outside the circle and the drums began
to speak in another language and I seemed to
understand their meaning.
My heart was singing with the singers and drummers and I then
understood....this is who I am ,I am Indian !!
©By Walking Wolf
Spirit of Yesterday
I've walked the Lands
of the ancient ones...
Long since gone generations.
I can still feel their laughter...their pain....
I can hear their songs....
Hear the drums beating against a darken sky...
I can see them dancing..
I can Still see Horses
painted up For war..
Still See Mothers
and Wives with tears in their eyes..
But Pride in their Hearts..
I can hear their Chants.....
Their Prayers....
Still the Memories and the Pride
run deep in my Own Heart and Soul..
Spirit of Yesterday Holds Me
with the same Great Strength as it did ..
The People,the Children..,The Women
The Medicine and Holy Men..
the Chiefs......
This is My Heritage.....
The American Indians......
Spirit of Yesterday.......
Is the Spirit of Tomorrow..
by Brenda CloudDancer
Copyright © July 3rd,1996